
I grew up mostly in a small town, but also in the suburbs. Going back and forth between disparate parents, I developed habits that jumped from one extreme to the other. It seemed only natural that I should come to paint in 2 distinct art styles, one highly detailed, the other blunt and simplistic.

I started painting in 2006, more like illustrating at first. Moving from gouache to acrylic in 2007, I experimented with a variety of styles and techniques. By 2008, I had a pretty good foundation laid to build a technique. Eventually I worked this technique into my Pop Cubist style, but decided to take the technique to a new style, Regressionism, a post-modern style which drew upon various modern art movements such as Post-Impressionism, Expressionism, Symbolism, Surrealism, and also primitive art. Regressionism is also founded upon esoteric philosophy and spiritual visions. Working in 2 styles allows me to explore different sides of myself.

I have a background in web design, and applied some artistry to that craft in sites such as Zone31 and Tarotsmith. I like to have a comedic outlet when doing serious work, so I also made joke sites like Evil Tarot. For one reason or another (mostly a bad economy), none of my small business websites have survived.

© Nasso Pop Cubism